Mickey Mouse Bubble Gum

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Die Kaugummireihe Mickey Mouse Bubble Gum erschien 1935 bei Gum Inc., Philadelphia. Zu den Kaugummis gab es Sammelkarten, die laut Kaugummikarten-Sammler Adam Cohen „wahrscheinlich der Ursprung der massenproduzierten Comic-Kartensätze sind“.[1][2] Zu den Kaugummis konnte man noch zwei Sammelalben für die Karten kaufen.

Anders als andere Kaugummikarten der Zeit zeigen diese statt historischen Fakten oder einer durchgehenden Handlung kleinere illustrierte Wortwitze. Die Textseite baut den Gag auf und verweist für die Punchline auf die farbige Illustrationsseite der Karte. Die Zeichnungen auf den Karten stammten laut einem 1995-Nachdruck des Albums von Walt Disney und die Gags von Hal Horne, auf den Karten wurde nur das Copyright von Disney vermerkt, Gum Inc. wird nur indirekt auf der Kartenrückseite als MICKEY MOUSE BUBBLE GUM, Philadelphia, Pa. genannt.


Die Sammelkarten-Bewertungsfirma Professional Sports Authenticator (PSA)[3] unterscheidet zwischen der Kartenreihe R89 und R90, obwohl die Nummerierung beider Reihen durchgehend ist.

R89: Mickey Mouse

Die ersten Kaugummis zeigten den Bildgag auf denselben Karten wie der dazugehörige Text (Karten 1–24; Type I), doch bald wurden die Bilder und Texte auf verschiedenen Karten verteilt, um Anreiz zum Sammeln eines kompletten Sets zu bieten (Karten 1–96 Type II).

Die Wortwitze auf den Karten sind meistens schwer übersetzbar, da sie im Deutschen nicht funktionieren oder auf Redensarten basieren, die es so im Deutschen nicht gibt.

Die Frage von Karte 89 samt Zeichnung von Karte 90 illustrieren aber ganz gut, wie das Schema der Gags funktionieren:

„Micky schlief fest. Er träumte, dass jemand einen riesigen Berg Eiscreme gebracht hatte. Es war köstliches süßes Eis, und in seinen Träumen sah er Minnie und sich in den Berg hineingraben, sie bedienten sich mit großen Bissen. Ein herrlicher Traum, nicht wahr?
Wie würdest du solche Träume nennen?“
„Süße Träume“ [2]

Zusätzlich zu der schon auf den Kaugummikarten vorgegebenen Nummer vergab die PSA jeder Karte einen Namen,[4] die in den folgenden Tabellen auch genutzt werden. Meist zitieren diese Titel einen oder mehrere der Sätze des Dialogs auf der Karte, manchmal mit Tippfehlern (wie bei Karte 113).

Mickey Mouse
Nummer Name laut PSA [4] Illustrationsseite
001 Let's Make Hoop-ee! Mmbg-001A1.webp BildfehltDisney.jpg
002 It's Raining Cats and Dogs! Mmbg-002A.webp BildfehltDisney.jpg
003 Fleas, Go 'Way and Let Me Sleep! Mmbg-003A.jpg Mmbg-003B.jpg
004 Watch! It's a Snap! Mmbg-004A.webp BildfehltDisney.jpg
005 Looks Funny When She Knits, Doesn't She? Suppose She's a Knit-Wit? Mmbg-005A.jpg Mmbg-005B.jpg
006 Let It Bee, Pluto! Let It Bee!! Mmbg-006A.jpg Mmbg-006B.jpg
007 Bad Stew Mickey! Stew Bad Minnie! Mmbg-007A.jpg Mmbg-007B.jpg
008 Just Ironing Out Some of Mickey's Difficulties! Mmbg-008A.jpg Mmbg-008B.jpg
009 Uncle Walt Told Me Take a Walk and I'm Doing It! Mmbg-009A.webp BildfehltDisney.jpg
010 That Horse-Shoe Is Certainly a Ringer for Mickey! Mmbg-010A.jpg Mmbg-010B.jpg
011 Likes That Target, Doesn't He! Mickey's Just Stuck on That Target! Mmbg-011A.jpg Mmbg-011B.jpg
012 What Are They Reading? It's All Foreign to Me! Mmbg-012A.jpg Mmbg-012B.jpg
013 Am I Lucky! Look!! - a Four-Leaf Clover! Mmbg-013A.jpg Mmbg-013B.jpg
014 Mickey Is Sure Making a Name for Himself! Mmbg-014A.jpg Mmbg-014B.jpg
015 A Letter on a fan? Certainly! Mickey Loves to Get Fan Mail! Mmbg-015A.webp BildfehltDisney.jpg
016 Look! He's All Wrapped Up in His Work! Mmbg-016A.jpg Mmbg-016B.jpg
017 Look! Free Wheeling! Mmbg-017A.jpg Mmbg-017B.jpg
018 That's a Lot of Oil, Mickey! Take It! You'll Feel Better! Mmbg-018A.jpg Mmbg-018B.jpg
019 The Line Is Busy! Mmbg-019A.jpg Mmbg-019B.jpg
020 A Boy Scout? Sure I Do a Good Turn Daily! Mmbg-020A.jpg Mmbg-020B.jpg
021 He's Sure a Handy Man Around the Mouse! Mmbg-021A.jpg Mmbg-021B.jpg
022 My! What Pig Eyes You Have! Mmbg-022A.jpg Mmbg-022B.jpg
023 That's an Awful Blow to Me, Mickey! Mmbg-023A.jpg Mmbg-023B.jpg
024 You Sure Turned the Tables on Me That Time, Pluto! Mmbg-024A.webp BildfehltDisney.jpg
025 You Hit the Nail Right on the Head Mickey! Pon My Sole It Needs Fixing! Mmbg-025A.jpg Mmbg-025B.jpg
026 Just Pup-Posing! Mmbg-026A.jpg Mmbg-026B.jpg
027 That Camel Walks a mile for Mickey! Mmbg-027A.jpg Mmbg-027B.jpg
028 I Blow Such Nice Sounds Into It! But Such Awful Sounds Come Out. Mmbg-028A.jpg Mmbg-028B.jpg
029 Here's a Dandelion I Pulled For You! You Always Pull a Dandy Line for Me! Mmbg-029A.jpg Mmbg-029B.jpg
030 You Sound Like A Pig Mickey! Mmbg-030A.jpg Mmbg-030B.jpg
031 Feeling Dippy, Mickey? Let's Go in for a Dip! Mmbg-031A.jpg Mmbg-031B.jpg
032 Can Mickey Play? No, But He Can Carry a Tune! Mmbg-032A.jpg Mmbg-032B.jpg
033 Do You Belong to Any Mickey Mouse Clubs? No, But These Mickey Mouse Clubs Belong to Me!! Mmbg-033A.jpg Mmbg-033B.jpg
034 Pluto Smells a Trap! Mmbg-034A.jpg Mmbg-034B.jpg
035 You Can't Make a Monkey Out of Me! Mmbg-035A.jpg Mmbg-035B.jpg
036 Whoooo You. Ooo Mmbg-036A.jpg Mmbg-036B.jpg
037 Soda Pup? Mmbg-037A.jpg Mmbg-037B.jpg
038 Look! Mickey's in a Row with Minnie! Mmbg-038A.jpg Mmbg-038B.jpg
039 Are You the Engineer? No, This Is the Engine 'ere! Mmbg-039A.jpg Mmbg-039B.jpg
040 That Face Sure Looks Familiar to Me! Mmbg-040A.jpg Mmbg-040B.jpg
041 I'll Give You A Licking for This Kitty! I'm Taking My Licking Now! Mmbg-041A.jpg Mmbg-041B.jpg
042 Oh! So You're Egging Me On! Mmbg-042A.jpg Mmbg-042B.jpg
043 Dynamite Expodes! Pluto Might Too! Mmbg-043A.jpg Mmbg-043B.jpg
044 Food Comes Pretty High Nowadays! That's Over My Head Minnie! Mmbg-044A.jpg Mmbg-044B.jpg
045 You're a Great Shot Mickey! You Hold Your End Up too, Pluto! Mmbg-045A.jpg Mmbg-045B.jpg
046 Please Help the Poor! Poor Little Skunk! He Hasn't a Scent to His Name! Mmbg-046A.jpg Mmbg-046B.jpg
047 Bee Gone! Mmbg-047A.jpg Mmbg-047B.jpg
048 Service A La Carte! Mmbg-048A.jpg Mmbg-048B.jpg
049 Crazy Trip Isn't It? Of Course! It's a Buggy Ride. Mmbg-049A.webp BildfehltDisney.jpg
050 Here Comes Minnie! Beat It, Mickey! Drum for Your Life! Mmbg-050A.jpg Mmbg-050B.jpg
051 This Little Pig Went to Mark It. Mmbg-051A.jpg Mmbg-051B.jpg
052 Playing ' Kitten on the Keys'? Just Kiddin on the Keys. Mmbg-052A.webp BildfehltDisney.jpg
053 This Is the End of Me! Mmbg-053A.jpg Mmbg-053B.jpg
054 Lo Mickey. High Minnie. Mmbg-054A.jpg Mmbg-054B.jpg
055 Look, He's All Keyed Up. Mmbg-055A.webp BildfehltDisney.jpg
056 Pluto Has Left, What Do You Say to That? Dog-Gone Mmbg-056A.webp BildfehltDisney.jpg
057 They Got Toot-Aches. Mmbg-057A.jpg Mmbg-057B.jpg
058 Look Mickey Foots the Bill. Mmbg-058A.webp BildfehltDisney.jpg
059 You're the Underdog Pluto. Sure But You Get Over Mickey. Mmbg-059A.jpg Mmbg-059B.jpg
060 Look They're Coming to Blows. Mmbg-060A.jpg Mmbg-060B.jpg
061 Dishes the Life. Mmbg-061A.webp BildfehltDisney.jpg
062 Like It Pluto? Yeh, But Don't Rub Me the Wrong Way. Mmbg-062A.jpg Mmbg-062B.jpg
063 The Mail Must Go Through. Mmbg-063A.jpg Mmbg-063B.jpg
064 I'm SO Hungry I Could Eat Like a Horse. Quick, Bring Her a Bucket of Oats. Mmbg-064A.jpg Mmbg-064B.jpg
065 Guess I'll Knuckle' Down to Work. Mmbg-065A.jpg Mmbg-065B.jpg
066 Sure There's Fish in Here. Mmbg-066A.jpg Mmbg-066B.jpg
067 Is Minnie Taking A Screen Test? No, She's Taking a Scream Test! Mmbg-067A.jpg Mmbg-067B.jpg
068 He's Sure the Cat's Me-ouse! Mmbg-068A.jpg Mmbg-068B.jpg
069 Who Did This? I Cannot Tell a Lie I Did It with My Little Hatch-it! Mmbg-069A.jpg Mmbg-069B.jpg
070 Mickey's Getting Something Hot off His Chest! Mmbg-070A.jpg Mmbg-070B.jpg
071 Is That a Nickel? No! That's a Mickel! Mmbg-071A.jpg Mmbg-071B.jpg
072 Mickey, the Bear-Back Rider Mmbg-072A.webp BildfehltDisney.jpg
073 I'm Alive with Fleas. Don't Worry! Where There's Life There's Soap! Mmbg-073A.webp BildfehltDisney.jpg
074 Striking Fellow, Isn't He? Mmbg-074A.webp BildfehltDisney.jpg
075 Ah! Something's Stirring! Mmbg-075A.jpg Mmbg-075B.jpg
076 He's Playing Them for Minnie! Certainly! They're Love Notes! Mmbg-076A.jpg Mmbg-076B.jpg
077 You Can't Make It, Mickey! That Ice Is Cracked, That's an Ice Crack to Make, Minnie! Mmbg-077A.jpg Mmbg-077B.jpg
078 How Do You Do It? What Do You Use? Look It's a Pipe! Mmbg-078A.jpg Mmbg-078B.jpg
079 Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Woof! Mmbg-079A.jpg Mmbg-079B.jpg
080 Good Day, Juliet! Good Knight Romeo! Mmbg-080A.webp BildfehltDisney.jpg
081 Isn't He a Nice Skater? You Mean an Ice Skater! Mmbg-081A.webp BildfehltDisney.jpg
082 Let Me Run for the Doctor. Don't Make It a Quack Doctor, Minnie! Mmbg-082A.webp BildfehltDisney.jpg
083 I Churn Some Butter Every Day. Don't You Think I'm a Good Scout? Sure! You Do a Good Churn Daily! Mmbg-083A.jpg Mmbg-083B.jpg
084 We're the Fife and Brum Corps! Mmbg-084A.webp BildfehltDisney.jpg
085 I Saw That Wood Yesterday. I Saw That Wood Now! Mmbg-085A.jpg Mmbg-085B.jpg
086 Getting Purse-nal Horace? Mmbg-086A.webp BildfehltDisney.jpg
087 That Cat's Going to the Dog's! You Mean That Dog's Going to the Cat's! Mmbg-087A.webp BildfehltDisney.jpg
088 That's No Man! You're Right! That's Snow-Man! Mmbg-088A.webp BildfehltDisney.jpg
089 He Bought that Fife at the store for Ten Cents. Ah! Fife-and-Ten Cent Store! Mmbg-089A.jpg Mmbg-089B.jpg
090 Sweet Cards Mmbg-090A.jpg Mmbg-090B.jpg
091 Birds in the Spring! Mmbg-091A.webp BildfehltDisney.jpg
092 People Like Uncle Walt, Don’t They, Mickey? Sure, He Naturally Draws People! Mmbg-092A.webp BildfehltDisney.jpg
093 Is That What You Do When You Get Angry?Sure I Stamp My Foot! Mmbg-093A.jpg Mmbg-093B.jpg
094 Get Up! It's Dawn. Ah! Dawn on the Farm. Mmbg-094A.jpg Mmbg-094B.jpg
095 Do You Get Paid for Doing That? Sure! I'm Drawing ' My Salary' Now! Mmbg-095A.webp BildfehltDisney.jpg
096 Look! Uncle Tom's Crabbin Mmbg-096A.webp BildfehltDisney.jpg


Für fünf Kaugummi-Packungen und fünf US-Cents konnte man sich ein Mickey Mouse Picture Card Album holen, in dem man die Kaugummi-Karten sammeln konnte. Die ersten 48 Karten kamen ins erste Album, Karten 49 bis 96 ins zweite.

Im Album war die Test-Seite der Karten unter den Stellen abgedruckt, an denen man die Karte einkleben sollte. Auf einer Seite war Platz für je drei Karten.

Diese Alben waren nur für die Karten von R89 verfügbar.

1995 kam es zu einem Nachdruck der Karten und der beiden Alben.

Qualität und Seltenheit

Heutzutage sind die Karten und Alben oft nur noch in schlechter Qualität verfügbar. Die Pappkarten wurden oft in die Alben geklebt, was die Qualität zusätzlich einschränkt. „Das Papier selbst wird leicht schmutzig“, so Kartensammler Brian Karl im Gespräch mit PSA. „Man merkt, dass das Set nicht für für eine lange Lebensdauer gemacht wurde; es gibt keinen Schutz irgendeiner Art.“
„Ich hatte schon ein paar Alben in der Hand, aber sie waren in schlechtem Zustand“, sagt Karl zum Album. „Ich habe kein unbenutztes Album gefunden, und ich weiß nicht, ob ich jemals eines finden werde.“[2]

Die erste und die letzte Karte im Set erreichen dank der oft zusätzlichen Abnutzungserscheinungen hohe Preise auf dem Zweitmarkt, auch die beiden Karten mit Walt Disney heben sich dort preislich von den anderen Karten ab.


Die Witze auf den einzelnen Kaugummikarten sind nicht immer leicht lesbar. Hier ist eine Liste der Witze, die auf den R89-Karten gedruckt wurden.

Karten-Texte von R89
Nummer Text mit Frage und Antwort Illustrationsseite
001 It has been raining all day. Mickey and Pluto were very restless. Suddenly the sun came out, and Mickey ran out rolling his hoop down the street. Pluto ran after him. Suddenly Mickey stopped and held the hoop up in the air. "Jump thru this hoop, Pluto" he said "and we'll make something!" "What are you going to make?" asked Pluto!
What did Mickey answer?
"Let's make Hoop-ee!"
Mmbg-001A1.webp "to make whoopee" = "auf den Putz hauen"
002 Mickey was standing on a soap-box. He was making a speech. Around him were lots of cats and lots of dogs. They listened to him eagerly. Suddenly it started to rain. Mickey looked up and said something.
What did Mickey say?
"It's raining cats and dogs!"
Mmbg-002A.webp "It's raining cats and dogs" = "Es regnet in Strömen"
003 Mickey and Pluto were very tired. Mickey fell asleep, Pluto couldn't! Every time he'd shut his eyes some fleas would start bothering him. They buzzed in his ear and they bit on his leg, and they landed on his nose. Poor Pluto! He had to say something to the fleas so
what did Pluto say to them?
"Fleas, go 'way and let me sleep!"
Mmbg-003A.jpg "Fleas, go 'way and let me sleep!" klingt ähnlich wie "Please go 'way and let me sleep!" ("Bitte geht weg und lasst mich schlafen!")
004 Mickey placed a camera on a box. Then he picked the bulb. "When you squeeze this," he said, "It takes a snap-shot picture." So, with bulb in hand and his arm around Pluto, Mickey sat down in front of the camera. "Is it hard to take our picture?" asked Pluto.
What was Mickey's answer?
"Watch! It's a snap!"
Mmbg-004A.webp "It's a snap" = "Das ist kinderleicht."
005 Minnie was knitting a sweater for Mickey! As she worked with the darning needley, she kept singing, and joking and saying all sorts of funny things! Clarabelle Cow turned to Mickey and said, "She's funny when sie knits, isn't she?"
What was Mickey's reply?
"Suppose she's a knit-wit?"
Mmbg-005A.jpg "nitwit" = "Dummkopf"
006 Mickey and Pluto were walking through the fields. Suddenly Pluto stopped. He saw a big bee buzzing around a flower. He walked closer and closer to it. Finally, Mickey, afraid that Pluto would be stung, shouted something to Pluto.
What did Mickey shout?
"Let it bee, Pluto! Let it bee!!"
Mmbg-006A.jpg "Let it bee!" ist ein Homonym zu "Let it be!"
007 Minnie mixed a big bowl of stew for Mickey. He didn't like it, but he wouldn't let on as he wanted Minnie to think she was a good cook. Minnie, however, thought it wasn't so good and said, "Bad stew, Mickey?"
What did Mickey answer?
"'stew bad, Minnie!"
Mmbg-007A.jpg "'stew bad, Minnie!" ist ein Homonym zu "It's too bad, Minnie"
008 Every time Mickey would go out and play, he'd get his trousers soiled with mud. Then Minnie would have to wash them and put them in shape again. Pluto walked into Minnie's home one day and saw her pressing Mickey's pants. "What are you doing, Minnie?" he asked.
What was Minnie's answer?
"Just ironing some of Mickey's difficulties!"
009 Mickey was out in the studio yard pulling up the big board walk that led to the studio door. Minnie happened to come along and seeing what Mickey was doing, said, "Why, Mickey, won't Uncle Walt be angry when he sees you do that?"
What was Mickey's answer?
"Uncle Walt told me to take a walk and I'm doing it!"
010 Mickey was pitching horse-shoes! He missed the first one. He almost got the second one on. The third one was a "ringer!" Everybody cheered. Finally Horace Horse collar said, "Do you think that horse-shoe looks like Mickey?" Minnie said, "No! Why?"
What was Horace's answer?
"That horse-shoe is certainly a ringer for Mickey!"
011 Mickey and Minnie and Horace and Clarabelle were playing with bows and arrows. None of them could hit the target - only Mickey! He struck it right square in the center three times. Mickey whooped with joy! "Mickey sure hits that target, doesn't he, Minnie?" exclaimed Horace.
What did Minnie answer?
"Mickey's just stuck on that target!"
012 Horace and Clarabelle found a Chinese newspaper, and sat down to look it over. Minnie came along with Mickey and together they watched Horace and Clarabelle trying to read the strange words. Finally Minnie turned to Mickey and asked "What are thes reading?"
What was Mickey's answer?
"It's all foreign to me!"
013 Mickey was out driving his car, when Kerplunk! he hit a tree and his car was a wreck. Poor Mickey! He was pinned beneath the wheels and body and everything! Suddenly his head appeared from under the wreckage and holding up a four-leaf clover, he said something that made everyone laugh.
What did Mickey say?
"Am I lucky! Look! - A four-leaf clover!"
014 Mickey got a large piece of card-board and cut out several letters. There was an "M", an "I", a "C", a "K", an "E" and a "Y". These he nailed on a fence to spell out his name. Just as he was nailing on the "Y", Minnie came along and asked Horace what Mickey was doing.
What did Horace answer?
"Mickey is sure making a name for himself!"
015 Horace Horsecollar came into the studio and found Minnie writing a letter to Mickey. Instead of writing it on paper, she was writing it on a fan. "Of all things!" remarked Horace. "Writing a letter on a fan!" Minnie said something in reply that made him shout with glee.
What did Minnie say?
"Certainly! Mickey loves to get fan mail!"
Mmbg-015A.webp "fan" = "Fächer" und "Bewunderer"
016 In front of Mickey was a drum which he was beating with his foot, and hanging above him was a cymbal which he was striking with a stick, and around his body was twined a great big horn which he was blowing furiously. Minnie walked in and said something funny.
What did Minnie say?
"Look! He's all wrapped up in his work!"
017 Mickey was roller-skating. Pluto happened by. Mickey got an idea. He picked up the leash that was tied to Pluto's collar and said, "Come on, Pluto, pull me along." Pluto did and as they both went sailing down the street, Mickey souted something that made Pluto bark with glee!
What did Mickey shout?
"Look! Free wheeling!"
018 Poor Pluto! He had a tummy-ache. He suffered awfully. Finally Mickey went out and blought him a bottle of castor oil. "Take this", said Mickey. "It will do you a lot of good!"
What did Pluto answer?
"That's a lot of oil, Mickey!"
019 Mickey and Minnie were in a boat fishing. Suddenly Mickey felt a jerk on his line, and in a jiffy pulled up a great big fish. Minnie exclaimed, "Let's get ashore and 'phone everybody about it! What do you say, Mickey?"
What did Mickey answer?
"The line is busy!"
020 Horace and Clarabelle were wandering around the studio when suddelny they came upon Mickey doing a fast somersault. "What's the idea?" asked Horace. "I'm a Boy Scout," answered Mickey. "What's that got to do with turning somersaults?" asked Horace!
What was Mickey's answer?
"Sure! I do a good turn daily!"
Mmbg-020A.jpg Slogan der Boy Scouts: "Do a Good Turn Daily" ("Tun Sie täglich etwas Gutes"); "turn" = "Umdrehung"
021 Walt Disney was drawing a picture of Mickey. Horace and Minnie watched him eagerly. As Walt was finishing the drawing, Minnie turned to Horace and said, "Uncle Walt certainly is clever, isn't he?"
What did Horace reply?
"He's sure a handy man around the mouse!"
022 Mickey and Minnie were taking pictures with their little camera. Suddenly they came upon a little pig. Minnie picked up her camera and click! She took a photograph of the piggie, who looked at her with the funniest expression in its eyes. Just them Minnie said something and Mickey yelled!
What did Minnie say?
"My! What pig eyes you have!"
023 Mickey was trying to play a horn. Every time he blew it, the notes would come out sour and Pluto would make the funniest faces. Finally Mickey blew one note that was just awful, and Pluto made a remark that made Mickey laugh so much he couldn't play any more.
What did Pluto remark?
"That's an awful blow to me, Mickey!"
024 Mickey and Pluto were playing games. Mickey always won. Pluto wished he could win. Suddenly he got an idea. As Mickey hid under a table, Pluto stole up behind him and gently turned the table over, pinning Mickey beneath it. "I put one over on you, didn't I?" laughed Pluto.
What did Mickey say in reply?
"You sure turned the tables on me that time, Pluto!"
025 Mickey was in a cobbler's shop. He was pounding a nail into the sole of his show which he was mending. "Fixing your shoe?" asked Horace. "'pon my sole, I am," answered Mickey! Just then Horace said something that made everyone howl.
What did Horace say?
"You hit the nail right on the head, Mickey!"
026 Mickey was painting a picture of Pluto. Naturally, Pluto had to pose for this picture. He sat there, very quiet, his eyes straight ahead, while Mickey painted away. As Pluto couldn't see. what Mickey was doing, he asked, “Mickey, what am I supposed to be in that picture?”
What did Mickey say in reply?
"Just pup-posing"
027 Mickey was taking his first camel ride in the desert. Just as the camel was finishing its first mile; they came across a Sphinx. Surprised’ at seeing such a strange sight, the Sphinx made a remark that Mickey couldn’t help overhearing.
What did the sphinx remark?
"That camel walks a mile for Mickey!"
028 Mickey was out in the backyard one day practicing on the saxophone. He blew and blew but the more he tried the worse he seemed to be. Just then Horace Horsecollar came along. “Oh Horace,” wailed Mickey, “What can the matter be? I blow such nice sounds into it, but—” And Horace finished the sentence.
What did Horace say?
"But such awful sounds come out"
029 On his way over to Minnie’s house one afternoon, Mickey stopped to gather some flowers to take to her. All he could find was a single dandelion. When Minnie met him in the hall, he said, “Minnie, here’s a dandelion I pulled for you!”
What was Minnie's reply?
"You always pull a dandy line for me!"
030 One day Mickey and Minnie were out walking when they came upon a pig hurrying along all by himself. Mickey thought he would have some fun, so he stole up behind the pig and said, “Oink! Oink!” Minnie started to laugh and then spoke to Mickey.
What did she say?
"You sound like a pig, Mickey!"
031 Clarabelle Cow, Horace Horsecollar and Mickey all went to the seashore for an outing. They played games and romped on the beach. Finally just before lunch, Mickey said, “Come on, everybody, let’s go in for a dip!” Then Clarabelle asked him a question.
What did she ask?
"Feeling dippy, Mickey?"
032 Mickey loves music; so one day he went to a shop to buy a big bass fiddle. He was carrying it home on his back when two little birds saw him, Said the first little bird to the second little bird, “Can Mickey play?” “Oh no,” said the second little bird, “but—
What was the rest of the answer?
"No, but he can carry a tune!"
033 Mickey was doing his exercises one day, showing Minnie all the tricks he could do with clubs. She was amazed to see how skilfully he could twirl his clubs and asked, “Do you belong to any Mickey Mouse Clubs?”
What did Mickey answer?
"No, but there Mickey Mouse clubs belong to me!!!"
034 One day Pluto saw a trap lying on the ground. He went very close to it, and sniffed all around the trap to find out what it was. Just then Mickey came up on tip-toe. He did not want to disturb Pluto so he put his finger to his lips and whispered something.
What did Mickey whisper?
"Pluto smells a trap!"
035 Mickey took Minnie to the zoo. They came across a monkey in a cage. “Let's have some fun with him,” said Mickey! So Mickey showed the monkey a trick. Then told him a joke. But the monkey just stared at him, Suddenly the monkey said something.
What did the monkey say?
"You can't make a monkey out of me!"
036 Minnie and Mickey were walking in the moonlight, Minnie’s eyes were dropped demurely, and Mickey was just getting ready-to steal a kiss from her when an owl in a tree said, ‘“Whoo-00-00!” Minnie did not see the owl but just squeezed Mickey's hand and said, “You!”
What did Mickey say?
037 One very hot day Mickey decided to open a soda stand, He had just finished arranging rows and rows of pop bottles on his counter when Pluto came along. He appeared very hot "and thirsty, so Mickey said something to him.
What did Mickey say?
"Soda pup?"
038 Mickey was taking Minnie for a ride in a row boat. He sat in the front end of the boat pulling at the oars with all his might. All of a sudden a little fish popped his head out of the water, and seeing Mickey rowing away said something very funny.
What did the little fish say?
"Look, Mickey's in a row with Minnie!"
039 Mickey was very busy one day polishing and oiling up one of his toy engines. He was all dressed up in overalls and an engineer's cap. In fact he looked so much like an engineer that one of his little bug friends said, “Mickey, are you the engineer?”
What did Mickey answer?
"No, this is the engine 'ere!"
040 Mickey has lots of fun sometimes playing tricks on Pluto. One day he took a looking glass and held it up in front of Pluto. Pluto took a long, long look, as though he were trying to find out whose face it was that he saw in the mirror. Then Pluto said something that made Mickey laugh out loud.
What did Pluto say?
"That face sure looks familiar to me!"
041 Minnie was walking about one day with her canary perched on her finger. All of a sudden a cat appeared and started leaping at the bird, licking its lips in anticipation of a fine feast. “I'll give you a licking for this, kitty!” said Minnie.
What did the kitty say?
"I'm taking my licking now!"
042 Mickey was hungry for his breakfast, but there were no eggs in the house so he picked up his little frying pan and went out to see Mrs. Hen. “An egg, please! An egg, please! An egg, please!” he kept saying to the hen. Finally she opened her mouth and said something to Mickey.
What did the hen say?
"Oh! So you're egging me on!"
043 Some workmen left a box of dynamite uncovered. Pluto, not knowing what it was, took one of the sticks in his mouth and trotted off with it. One little flea, sitting on Pluto’s head became terrified and said, “Dynamite explodes!” Another little flea sitting on Pluto’s tail made a very wise answer.
What did the second flea say?
"Pluto might too!"
044 Minnie had just sat down to dinner, when Mickey came out of the kitchen carrying a tray full of steaming food. Um—m—m, how good it smelled! Seeing Mickey carrying that food high above his head, Minnie laughed and said, “Food comes pretty high nowadays!”
What was Mickey's answer?
"That's over my head, Minnie!"
045 Mickey was learning to shoot with a bow and arrow. A few feet in front of him stood Pluto, his forefeet on the ground and his hind feet up in the air. On his tail he balanced a tin can which Mickey was aiming at. “You're a great shot, Mickey,” said Pluto.
What did Mickey say in reply?
"You hold your end up too, Pluto!"
Mmbg-045A.jpg "hold (one's) end up" = "Vereinbarung einhalten"
046 A little skunk followed Mickey one day. In one hand he was holding a tin cup and kept crying imploringly, “Please help the poor!” Mickey felt very sorry for him because there wasn’t a single penny in the little skunk’s cup. This struck him so strangely, he just had to say something.
What did Mickey say?
"Poor little skunk! He hasn't a scent to his name!"
Mmbg-046A.jpg "scent" (Geruch) ist ein Homonym zu "cent"; "not have a cent to your name" / "not have a penny to your name" = "arm sein"
047 Pluto and Mickey were walking in the country and sat down on a log to rest. They had been there just a few minutes when a bee flew past. As it was disappearing Pluto said, “What do you say to that?”
What did Mickey answer?
"Bee gone!"
Mmbg-047A.jpg "Bee" ist ein Homonym zu "be"; "Be gone!" = "Verschwinde!"
048 One summer afternoon Mickey hitched Pluto to his little cart and took Minnie out for a drive. She was all dressed up in her best hat and was having a wonderful time. “This is what you call service, isn’t it, Mickey?” she asked.
What was Mickey's reply?
"Service a la carte!"
Mmbg-048A.jpg "carte" (franz. "Speisekarte") ist ein Homonym zu "cart" (engl. "Wagen")
049 Mickey took Minnie for a ride. The horse was very, very frisky, and the buggy almost tipped over several times. Dinally Minnie got her breath for a moment and said to Mickey, "Crazy trip, isn't it?"
What did Mickey answer her?
"Of course It's a buggy ride."
050 Mickey and Pluto were having a parade. Mickey went ahead beating a big bass drum. Pluto was marching behind him. Suddenly Pluto turned and saw Minnie hurrying toward them. Quickly he said something to Mickey.
What did Pluto say?
"Beat it, Mickey! Drum for your life! Here comes Minnie!"
051 Mickey was playing school one afternoon. Hus pupil was a very nice young little piggie. Mickey sent the little pig to the blackboard to mark down an example in multiplication. As the pig took the chalk in hand, Mickey said something.
What did Mickey say?
"This little pig went to mark it."
Mmbg-051A.jpg "This little piggy went to market" ist die erste Zeile des Kinderreims "This Little Piggy".[5]
052 Mickey sat down to the piano. He ran his hands up and down the keys. Minnie came along. She thought she recognized the tune. "Is that 'Kitten on the Keys', Mickey?" she asked. "No," replied Mickey. And he added something funny.
What did Mickey say?
"Just kiddin' on the keys."
Mmbg-052A.webp "Kitten on the keys" ist ein Stück von Zez Confrey;[6] "kidding" = "herumalbern"
053 Mickey played a trick on Pluto. He tied a big card to the end of Pluto's tail, and everywhere that Pluto went, he had to drag the card with him. The card had something written on it.
What did it say?
"This is the end of me!"
054 Mickey decided to see if he could jump any higher than usual if he tied some balloons to his pants. As he took a good run and jumped away over the hen house, he saw Minnie on the other side. "'Lo, Mickey!" said Minnie.
What was Mickey's reply?
"High Minnie."
055 Mickey was playing the piano furiously. Prr mm p! Plamm! he went, and came down on the keys with a big crash. He was playing for Horace, but all Horace could think of was the way he kept banging the keys. Finally Horace made a comment to himself.
What did he say?
"Look, he's all keyed up."
056 Text fehlt Mmbg-056A.webp
057 Mickey was training a couple of pups to play on the saxophone. "Toot," said one, as Mickey raised his baton to beat time. "To-oot!" said the other. The sounds they made were terrible. Finally Mickey could stand it no longer and told them just exactly what he thought of their toots.
What did Mickey say?
"They've got toot-aches."
058 Minnie had a pet duck. One day while she was holding it in her arms, Mickey came along. The duck reached out and grabbed Mickey's foot in his bill. He held it very tight and wouldn't let go. Minnie seeing Mickey's foot in the duck's bill, said something that made Mickey laugh.
What did Minnie say?
"Look, Mickey foots the bill."
059 Text fehlt Mmbg-059A.jpg
060 When Pluto has a cold his head gets stopped up and he has to blow his nose very often. One day he didn’t have a hankie so Mickey have him his, and held it for him. Minnie was watching them, and when Pluto gave a great big b-l-o-w, she said something.
What did Minnie say?
"Look, they're coming to blows."
061 Mickey was helping Minnie with the dishes. He was washing and Minnie was wiping them. They were singing songs and having lots of fun. Finally Minnie made a remark to Mickey.
What did she say?
"Dishes the life."
Mmbg-061A.webp "Dishes the life" klingt wie "This is the life" ("So lässt es sich leben")
062 Mickey decided to give Pluto a bath. He filled a tub with nice soapy water. Pluto got in, and Mickey began to rub him hard on the scrubbing board to try to get him clean. While he was scrubbing his pal, Mickey said, "Like it, Pluto?"
What did Pluto answer?
"Yeah, but don't rub me the wrong way."
Mmbg-062A.jpg "sth. rubs so. up the wrong way" = "etw. geht jmdm. gegen den Strich"
063 Mail must be delivered, rain or shine in heat or cold. "The mail must go through." One day Mickey was delivering mail. As he passed each house, he threw a letter on the porch. Finally at one house he missed his aim and the mail went right through the window.
What did he say to that?
"The mail must go through."
064 Minnie sat at the table in a restaurant, knife and fork in hand, but there was no food in sight! Pluto was sitting opposite her. "Goodness, Pluto" said Minnie, "I’m so hungry I could eat like a horse!" Pluto spoke to the waiter immediately.
What did Pluto day?
"Quick, bring her a bucket of oats."
065 Like all little boys Mickey just loves marbles! He's a good player, too! He can knuckle a shot with the best of them. When he gets ready to play he draws a nice round ring, puts his marble in it and then says something very amusing.
What does Mickey say?
"Guess I'll 'knuckle' down to work."
066 Mickey had been fishing and had caught a whole basket full of fish. He was about to go home when a "constable" came along and pointed to a great big sign which read, "No Fishin’ Here!" Mickey looked at him in astonishment and then said something in reply.
What did Mickey say?
"Sure there's fish in here"
Mmbg-066A.jpg "No Fish in here" = "Hier ist kein Fisch drin"
067 Mickey and Horace had Minnie in the studio one day. Horace was grinding the camera, and Mickey was directing Minnie. She was jumping up and down and s-c-r-e-e-c-h-i-n-g at the top of her lungs. Horace spoke to Mickey and said, "Is Minnie taking a screen test?"
What was Mickey's answer?
"No, she's taking a scream test!"
068 Mickey was on the stage playing the part of a cat. He was wearing a tnask to make it look more real. Everyone went wild over Mickey’s imitation of a cat. Suddenly several voices shouted something.
What did the voices shout?
"He's sure the cat's me-ouse!"
Mmbg-068A.jpg "the cat's meow" = "stylisch, elegant"
069 Mickey was in the chicken coop one morning when he saw a broken egg shell. A Jittle chicken had just been hatched out of the shell. Mickey was very curious and turning to Mrs. Hen he asked, "Who did this?"
What did Mrs. Hen answer?
"I cannot tell a lie. I did it with my little hatch-it!"
Mmbg-069A.jpg Anspielung an das fiktive George-Washington-Zitat "I can't tell a lie, Pa; you know I can't tell a lie. I did cut it with my hatchet."[7]
070 Mickey caught a cold and Minnie had put a mustard plaster on his chest to help him get well. When he was all better he started to pull it off. Pluto and Horace were watching him and Horace said something to Pluto that made him smile.
What did Horace say?
"Mickey's getting something hot off his chest!"
Mmbg-070A.jpg "to get sth. off one's chest" = "sich etwas von der Seele reden"
071 Minnie was holding a great big coin which had Mickey's head on it instead of the head of a buffalo you usually see on a nickel. She was showing it to Horace and Clarabelle. They examined it very, very carefully and finally Clarabelle asked, “Is that a nickel?” Horace, answered her.
What did he say?
"No! That's a Mickel!"
072 One day Mickey climbed on a bear's back when the bear wasn't looking. The bear started to run very, very fast with Mickey standing up and holding his balance like a circus rider. Minnie was looking on in great glee and while he was ring around she gave him a title.
What did Minnie call Mickey?
"Mickey, the bear-back rider"
Mmbg-072A.webp "Bareback" = "ohne Sattel"
073 Poor Pluto! Fleas were bothering him again. They were all over him. Finally he complained to Mickey. "I'm alive with fleas!" he cried. Mickey, who came in with a bucket of water and some flea soap, said something to Pluto that made him feel better.
What did Mickey say?
„Where There's Life There's Soap!“
Mmbg-073A.webp Redensart: „Where there is life there is hope!“ = „Wo es Leben gibt, gibt es Hoffnung“
074 Text fehlt Mmbg-074A.webp
075 Text fehlt Mmbg-075A.jpg
076 Mickey was playing ont his clarinet. Two little bugs were listening. One little bug: said, "Aren't those notes lovely? He's playing them for Minnie!" "Certainly!" replied the other little bug. "They’re..."
What did the other little bug call them?
"Certainly! They're love notes!"
Mmbg-076A.jpg "note" = "Musiknote"; "love note" = "Liebesbrief"
077 Mickey and Minnie were skating. Suddenly they came to a place where it said “DANGER!” Minnie stopped. Mickey skated on. “You can’t make it, Mickey! That ice is cracked!"’ shouted Minnie.
What did Mickey say in reply?
"That's an ice crack to make, Minnie!"
078 Mickey and Minnie were blowing bubbles. Mickey’s came out nice and big. Minnie’s wouldn’t come out at all. Finally Minnie said, "How do you do it? What do you use?" Mickey looked up and said something that made Minnie smile.
What did Mickey say?
"Look! It's a pipe!"
079 Mickey was reading a book of ghost stories. Suddenly Pluto came up behind him and barked, "Woof." Mickey, without looking up, said something that made Pluto laugh right out loud.
What did Mickey say?
"Who's affraid of the big bad woof!"
Mmbg-079A.jpg "Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?" = "Wer hat Angst vor'm bösen Wolf?"
080 Mickey dressed up as a Knight of Old and Minnie as a Lady Fair. Then Mickey rode up to a castle window and standing on his trusty steed, started to serenade Minnie. She came to the window and Mickey said, "Good day, Juliet!"
What did Minnie answer?
"Good Knight, Romeo!"
Mmbg-080A.webp "knight" = "Ritter"; "Good night" = "Gute Nacht"
081 Text fehlt Mmbg-081A.webp "quack doctor" = "Quacksalber"
082 Text fehlt Mmbg-082A.webp
083 Minnie was churning butter, Mickey was looking on. "I churn some butter every day," said Minnie. "Don't you think I'm a good scout?"
What did Mickey answer?
"Sure! You do a good churn daily!"
Mmbg-083A.jpg Slogan der Boy Scouts: "Do a Good Turn Daily" ("Tun Sie täglich etwas Gutes")
084 Clarabelle was playing a fife. Mickey accompanied her on his big bass violin. "Toot! Toot!" went the fife. "Brum! Brum!" went the bass violin. "Would you call this a band?" asked Clarabelle. "Why, no," answered Mickey. "Were the..."
What did Mickey call it?
"We're the fife and brum corps!"
Mmbg-084A.webp "Fife and drum corps"[8]
085 Mickey was sawing a piece of wood- Minnie came in and watched him. Suddenly she said, with a smile on her face, "I saw that wood yesterday."
What did Mickey day in reply?
"I saw that wood now!"
Mmbg-085A.jpg „saw“ ist doppeldeutig, es ist die Vergangenheitsform von „sehen“ und die Gegenwartsform von „sägen“
086 Mickey tied a-black string to a purse. Then he placed the purse on the sidewalk and with the end of the string in his hand he hid behind a fence. Horace came along. He bent down to pick up the purse. Mickey pulled the string. The purse disappeared. Mickey said something. They both laughed.
What did Mickey say?
"Getting purse-nal, Horace?"
Mmbg-086A.webp "getting personal" = "persönlich werden"
087 Text fehlt Mmbg-087A.webp "to go to the dogs" = "vor die Hunde gehen"
088 Text fehlt Mmbg-088A.webp
089 Text fehlt Mmbg-089A.jpg "fife" = "Querflöte"; ein "five-and-ten-cent store" bietet Waren für wenig Geld an
090 Mickey was fast asleep. He dreamt someone had brought in a great big mountain of ice-cream. It was sweet, delicious ice-cream and in his dreams he could see Minnie and himself digging into the mountain and helping themselves to great big mouthfuls. A swell dream, wasn't it?
What would you call dreams like that?
Sweet Dreams
091 Mickey and Minnie were walking through the woods. They came upon a little bubbling spring. Mickey jumped over it. Minnie sat down on a rock in the middle of it. As she did so, a little bird flew down on her hand and started to sing. It struck Mickey so funny he had to say something.
What did Mickey say?
"Birds in the spring!"
Mmbg-091A.webp "bird" ist doppeldeutig und kann "Vogel" und "Mädchen" bedeuten
092 Text fehlt Mmbg-092A.webp
093 Mickey was a little peeved. So he ran into Uncle Walt's office and stuck something on his foot. Minnie was puzzled. "Is that what you do when you get angry?" she asked.
What did Mickey answer?
"Sure, I stamp my foot!"
Mmbg-093A.jpg "to stamp one's foot" = "aufstampfen"
094 Mickey hat just spent his first night at Uncle Walt’s farm. Suddenly the alarm clock rang and a rooster started crowing at the top of its voice. Mickeyjumped up out of bed. The rooster crowed, "Get up! It's dawn!" What did Mickey say in reply? "Ah! Dawn on the farm!" Mmbg-094A.jpg
095 Mickey was sitting at Uncle Walt's drawing table, painting the words, "My salary" on a large piece of paper. Pluto, who was watching him, suddenly asked, "Do you set paid for doing that, Mickey?"
What did Mickey answer?
"Sure! I'm drawing 'my salary'! Now!"
096 Text fehlt Mmbg-096A.webp

R90: Mickey Mouse with the Movie Stars

Die Nummerierung und das Design der Illustrationsseite der Karten führt sich vom vorherigen Set R89 fort.

Für die 24 Karten von R90 wurde wieder auf die Type I-Methode zurückgegriffen, bei dem der Text der Kartenrückseite sich direkt auf die Abbildung derselben Karte bezieht. Diesmal konzentrieren sich die Gags auf Filmstars der Zeit.

Im Newsletter „The Big Little Times“ wird anhand von Bildbeispielen vermutet, dass die Karikaturen von Joe Grant stammen.[9]

Mickey Mouse with the Movie Stars
Nummer Name laut PSA [4] Darsteller[10] Illustrationsseite
097 S-o-o! You're a Wynndow Cleaner! Ed Wynn Mmbg-097A.jpg Mmbg-097B.jpg
098 It's an Honor to Have You Play in My Spectacle! Charles Coburn Mmbg-098A.jpg Mmbg-098B.jpg
099 Lo Mickey Marx! ' Hi, Groucho Mouse! Groucho Marx Mmbg-099A.jpg Mmbg-099B.jpg
100 How Do You Manage to Draw So Well, Mickey? Where There's a Will There's a Way. Will Rogers Mmbg-100A.jpg Mmbg-100B.jpg
101 Am I Right on the Left Page, Mickey? Of Course But I'm Left on the Right Page. John Payne Mmbg-101A.jpg Mmbg-101B.jpg
102 You Sure Made an Impression on Me. Joan Bennett Mmbg-102A.jpg Mmbg-102B.jpg
103 Life Is Just a Bowl of Chariots Eddie Cantor Mmbg-103A.jpg Mmbg-103B.jpg
104 The Little Seizer. Edward G. Robinson Mmbg-104A.jpg Mmbg-104B.jpg
105 That's the Biggest Opening I've Ever Seen in Hollywood. Joe E. Brown Mmbg-105A.jpg Mmbg-105B.jpg
106 My Best Picture Will Be Silent, Mickey… So- You Won't Talk eh! Charlie Chaplin Mmbg-106A.jpg Mmbg-106B.jpg
107 I Can't Get Mickey Off My Mind Harpo Marx Mmbg-107A.jpg Mmbg-107B.jpg
108 Blondells Prefer Gentlemen Joan Blondell Mmbg-108A.jpg Mmbg-108B.jpg
109 I'm Getting Off Something Big. Jimmy Durante Mmbg-109A.jpg Mmbg-109B.jpg
110 Lip and Let Lip. Maurice Chevalier Mmbg-110A.jpg Mmbg-110B.jpg
111 A Dime for This? Yes, Ten Cents a Trance Boris Karloff Mmbg-111A.jpg Mmbg-111B.jpg
112 O.K. Mickey More Powell to You William Powell Mmbg-112A.jpg Mmbg-112B.jpg
113 So You're Leaving Me Flat? Yes, I'm Leaving You Flat! Greta Garbo Mmbg-113A.jpg Mmbg-113B.jpg
114 Doug Gone! He's Off Again Douglas Fairbanks Mmbg-114A.jpg Mmbg-114B.jpg
115 You Can Be Had! Mae West Mmbg-115A.jpg Mmbg-115B.jpg
116 So You're Putting on the High Hat, Eh? That's Over My Head, Mr. Menjou Adolphe Menjou Mmbg-116A.jpg Mmbg-116B.jpg
117 Look Out I'm Going to Strike You! Ah! At Last I've Met My Match! Wallace Beery Mmbg-117A.jpg Mmbg-117B.jpg
118 Le'slee How Shall We Take This? Howard This Pose Do, Mickey? Leslie Howard Mmbg-118A.jpg Mmbg-118B.jpg
119 Swords Mad, Eh? Richard Dix Mmbg-119A.jpg Mmbg-119B.jpg
120 Mickey - Handy for a Laugh Laurel & Hardy Mmbg-120A.jpg Mmbg-120B.jpg

Qualität und Seltenheit

Die „Mickey Mouse with the Movie Stars“-Karten sind sogar noch seltener als die Karten aus R89. Einige Sammler brauchten mehr als ein Jahrzehnt, um ihre Sammlung dieser Reihe zu vervollständigen.

„Man findet sie einfach nicht“, sagte Karl. „Ich habe lange Zeit auf meinen [Movie Star]-Karten gesessen und nicht einmal gemerkt, was ich hatte. Mir war nicht klar, wie selten sie sind.“


Die Witze auf den einzelnen Kaugummikarten sind nicht immer leicht lesbar. Hier ist eine Liste der Witze, die auf den R90-Karten gedruckt wurden.

Karten-Texte von R90
Nummer Text mit Frage und Antwort Illustrationsseite
097 Mickey was wandering through the studio. Suddenly he heard some one shout to him, "SO-O-O!" Looking up, Mickey saw it was a famous radio star. Mickey picked up a fire hose and played a stream of water on the star’s eyeglasses. The radio star said something that made Mickey laugh.
("S-o-o! You're a WYNNdow cleaner!", Ed Wynn)
098 Mickey was talking to a very distinguished gentleman star who always wears a monocle. Mickey calls the monocle a spectacle. Climbing up, Mickey started wiping the spectacle, He did it in such a cute way that the distinguished star laughed right out loud and said something funny.
("It's an Honor to Have You Play in My Spectacle!", Charles Coburn)
099 Mickey dressed like a certain movie star and then went over to see him, When the star took a look at Mickey he roared right out loud and said, “ ’Lo, Mickey MARX!" Mickey laughed and came right back with an answer that made the star laugh harder.
("Hi, Groucho Mouse!", Groucho Marx)
100 Mickey was visiting a famous movie star. He said “I don’t know my ropes as well as you do, but I WILL draw a picture of you.”’ The star said, ‘“You never had any lessons, Mickey; how do you manage to draw so well?” Mickey’s answer made the star laugh right out loud.
("Where There's a Will There's a Way.", Will Rogers)
101 Walt Disney opened a drawing book. On the left page he drew a picture of a great movie star whose first name is John and whose profile is famous, On the right page he drew a picture of Mickey. The famous Star said something clever and Mickey said something clever in return.
("Am I Right on the Left Page, Mickey?" "Of Course But I'm Left on the Right Page.", John Payne)
102 Mickey was visiting a famous lady star at her studio. Of course he had BENNETT her studio before. He looked so cute that she picked him right up. and kissed him. Mickey felt embarrassed, but said something very cute.
("You Sure Made an Impression on Me.", Joan Bennett)
103 Mickey was visiting a famous movie star who was making a picture in which he rode a CHARIOT. Seeing the star in the chariot, Mickey jumped into a little cart drawn by Pluto and started to CANTOR along next to him. The star turned around and laughed when Mickey said something very funny.
("Life Is Just a Bowl of Chariots", Eddie Cantor)
Mmbg-103A.jpg angespielt wird auf seine Rolle in „Roman Scandals“ (1933)
104 Mickey was watching a famous movie star doing a gangster picture. Suddenly Mickey picked up a toy gun and pointing it at the star said, "Hand it over, I’m a- ROBBIN’, SON!" The famous star then said something that made Mickey laugh.
("The Little Seizer.", Edward G. Robinson)
Mmbg-104A.jpg es wird auf seine Rolle in „Little Caesar“ (1931) angespielt
105 Mickey was out on a desert watching a big movie tar shooting a picture. Suddenly the star opened his mouth. Mickey was amazed to see how big his mouth really was. He turned to Minnie who was with him and said something about the star’s mouth that made them all laugh.
("That's the Biggest Opening I've Ever Seen in Hollywood.", Joe E. Brown)
106 Mickey was visiting a famous star who is known everywhere by his funny feet. The star told Mickey his next picture would be a silent one. Mickey picked up a toy pistol, pointed it at the great comedian and said something that made them both laugh.
("So- You Won't Talk eh!", Charlie Chaplin)
Mmbg-106A.jpg Einen "Talkie" nannte man damals einen Tonfilm.
107 A famous star who is known for his very bushy hair saw Mickey. “I bet you can’t jump up to my head,” he said. Mickey said, ‘‘Can’t I?" and with a HARPO, SKIPPO and JUMPO, landed right in the midst of the star’s bushy hair. Then the star said something and they both howled.
("I Can't Get Mickey Off My Mind", Harpo Marx)
108 Mickey invited a famous lady star with lovely BLONDE hair out to lunch. She jokingly told Mickey she couldn't JOAN him. Mickey turned away, and pretending that he was hurt, said something that made the star laugh.
("Blondells Prefer Gentlemen", Joan Blondell)
109 Mickey was having loads of fun sliding down the SCHNOZZLE of one of the funniest comedians in Hollywood. The comedian asked Mickey what the idea was. Mickey’s answer made the star wiggle his big nose and laugh very hard.
("I'm Getting Off Something Big.", Jimmy Durante)
110 Mickey was having loads of fun diving off the lower lip of a well known French movie star. The star chuckled and said, “I don't mind what you’re doing. ‘Live and let live’ is my motto.” Mickey took another dive off the star’s lower lip and said something that made him laugh out loud.
("Lip and Let Lip.", Maurice Chevalier)
111 A famous star taught Mickey how to hypnotize. “I feel like the LIONEL and the Mouse,” said Mickey. “For ten cents I'd put you into a trance.” “A dime for putting me in a trance?" asked the star. Mickey’s answer was very clever.
("A Dime for This? Yes, Ten Cents a Trance", Boris Karloff)
112 A great star was teaching Mickey how to be a detective! “You PHILO everything I tell you and you'll VANCE rapidly,” he said. “I know I'll be great if I can get more lessons from you,” said Mickey. And then the star said something that made Mickey laugh.
("O.K. Mickey More Powell to You", William Powell)
Mmbg-112A.jpg Micky spielt auf seine Rolle als Philo Vance in „The Benson Murder Case“ (1930) an
113 Mickey was visiting a famous lady star. He said, "I GRETA go now," but she begged him to stay. She said, “So you’re leaving me--flat!”’ Mickey answered something funny that made her smile.
("Yes, I'm Leaving Your Flat!", Greta Garbo)
114 Mickey and Minnie went down to the pier to say “Goodbye” to a very famous star who was leaving for the FAIR BANKS of a far-off river. As the star walked up the gangplank, Mickey and Minnie said something that made him laugh.
("Doug-Gone! He's Off Again", Douglas Fairbanks)
115 Mickey was out WEST visiting a famous lady star who had asked him to ‘commup sometime.’ Suddenly turning up his nose cutely, he walked by her as if to say, “You won’t get me.” The lady star then said something that made them both laugh.
("You Can Be Had!", Mae West)
116 Mickey was imitating one of the best-dressed man stars in Hollywood. Mickey put on a high hat and looked very elegant. The fashionable star said, ‘So — you're putting on the high hat, eh?”’ Mickey answered something so funny it would even make A DOLPH laugh.
("That's Over My Head, Mr. Menjou!", Adolphe Menjou)
117 Mickey was visiting a famous star who once played the part of a CHAMP. Mickey. put on boxing gloves and got up on the star’s shoulder, and said jokingly, “Look out! I’m going to STRIKE you.” The star, who was quite the BEERYS, said something that made them both laugh.
("Ah! At Last I've Met My MATCH!", Wallace Beery)
Mmbg-117A.jpg Micky spielt auf seine Rolle in „Der Champ“ (1931) an
118 Mickey took his little camera and went to take a picture of a famous English star with blond wavy hair. Mickey kept moving the camera around and saying “LE’SLEE, how shall we take this?” The star turned his-head and said something that made them both laugh.
("HOWARD This Pose Do, Mickey?", Leslie Howard)
119 Mickey and a very famous and handsome star were pretending to fight. The star, whose first name was Richard, said, “‘Whose sword is that?’’ Mickey said, “It's DIX's.” Then the star frowned at Mickey in fun, so Mickey said something that made him laugh again.
("Swords Mad, Eh?", Richard Dix)
120 Mickey went to call on two funny comedians. The fat one held out his hand and said, “STAN on here, Mickey.”’ The thin one said, ‘Tell us a joke, come on.”’ Mickey did, and they laughed so you could hear them OLIVER the place. The fat one then said something that made them all give a HARDY laugh.
("Mickey, you're certainly Handy for a Laugh!", Laurel & Hardy)


Viel Werbematerial hat es bis heute nicht überlebt. Von der Verpackungseinheit, in der Händler die Kaugummis kauften konnten, gibt es hingegen noch Bilder.



Diese Kaugummibilder blieben natürlich nicht die einzigen mit Micky als Motiv. OK´s Big Bub Bubble Gum vom OK-Kaugummi-Werk Pinnehorst/Holstein brachte in den Sechziger Jahren auch Bilder mit Micky heraus. Gegen fünf dieser Kaugummipackungen und 60 Pfennig in Briefmarken bekam man beim Einsenden Sammelstreifen für die Kaugummibilder. Die Rückseite der Bilder beinhalteten Reime auf Deutsch, Englisch und Französisch.



  1. Kevin Glew (20.06.2014). „PSA Set Registry: The 1935 Gum, Inc. Mickey Mouse Trading Card Set, Chasing Vintage Cards of the World's Most Famous Mouse“. psacard.com
  2. 2,0 2,1 2,2 unter anderem mit Deepl übersetzt.
  3. Professional Sports Authenticator. wikipedia.org
  4. 4,0 4,1 4,2 „1935 Gum, Inc. R89 Mickey Mouse“. psacard.com
  5. „This Little Piggy“. wikipedia.org
  6. Zez Confrey auf Wikipedia
  7. Did George Washington Really Say, “I Can’t Tell a Lie”?
  8. "Fife and drum corps" auf Wikipedia
  9. September/Oktober 2010. „The Big Little Times“ Vol XXIX Nr. 5, S. 22f. biglittlebooks.com (archiviert)
  10. moviecard.com