A Cat Don't Like...

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A Cat Don't Like... ist ein Song aus der Disneyland Records-Langspielplatte The Story and Songs of the Orange Bird (1971). Er wurde von den Sherman Brothers komponiert, von Mike Sammes gesungen und der Text stammt ebenfalls von den Sherman Brothers.[1] Im Hörspiel wird das Lied gesungen, als eine Straßenkatze Orange Bird verspeisen möchte.

Englischer Text[Bearbeiten]

A cat don't like a bird that's a dummy
But makes it more yummy if he talks
A cat enjoys a bird that'll murmur
If he's a squirmer and he squawks
Skee-doo-bid-ee-doop, doop
A cat don't like a bird that is quiet
Now that kind of diet ain't no fun
A cat enjoys a bird that is flustered
But better than mustard on a bun
Beep, cheep
Make the neighbors lose some sleep
Flap, fly
Try to hide
So when I catch you, I'm satisfied
Because a cat don't like what's easy to come by
Easy to come by ain't no treat
So make me sweat and fret 'til I get ya
A meal is more than something to eat
Beep, cheep
I make the neighbors lose some sleep (Ha!)
Flap, fly
Try to hide
So when I catch you, I'm satisfied
Because a cat don't like what's easy to come by
Easy to come by ain't no treat
So make me sweat and fret 'til I get ya
A meal is more than something to eat



  1. „Various – The Orange Bird“. discogs.com