Liste aller Disney-Dokumentarfilme

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Version vom 22. August 2006, 10:42 Uhr von Memm (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Wiederhergestellt zur letzten Änderung von Sir Donnerbold)
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Neben den berühmten Meisterwerken und den zahlreichen Spielfilmen produzierten Walt Disney und sein Studio über die Jahre hinweg einige, oft preisgekrönte, Dokumentarfilme. In dieser Liste findet ihr sämtliche Dokumentationen der Walt Disney Company.

Walt Disney Productions / Walt Disney Pictures

Abendfüllende Dokumentationen

  1. Walt Disneys Geheimnisse (Mischfilm/Mockumentary) (1941)
  2. Victory Through Air Power (Mischfilm) (1943)
  3. Die Wüste lebt (Erste True Live Adventures Dokumentation in Spielfilmlänge) (1953)
  4. Wunder der Prärie (True Live Adventures) (1954)
  5. Geheimnisse der Steppe (True Live Adventures) (1955)
  6. Geheimnisse des Lebens (True Live Adventures) (1956)
  7. Weiße Wildnis (True Live Adventures) (1958)
  8. Wilde Katzen (True Live Adventures) (1960)
  9. Frank and Ollie (1995)
  10. The Hand Behind the Mouse: The Ub Iwerks Story (1999)
  11. Walt: The Man Behind the Myth (2001)
  12. Die Geister der Titanic (2003)
  13. Faszination Planet Erde (2004)
  14. America's Heart and Soul (2004)
  15. Aliens der Meere (2005)
  16. Roving Mars (2006)


  1. Seal Island (Erste True Live Adventures Dokumentation) (1949)
  2. Beaver Valley (True Live Adventures) (1950)
  3. Nature's Half Acre (True Live Adventures) (1951)
  4. Water Birds (True Live Adventures) (1952)
  5. Bear Country (True Live Adventures) (1953)
  6. The Alaskan Eskimo (Erste People and Places Dokumentation) (1953)
  7. Prowlers of the Everglades (True Live Adventures) (1953)
  8. Siam (People and Places) (1954)
  9. Arizona Sheepdog (People and Places) (1955)
  10. Men Against The Arctic (People and Places) (1955)
  11. Sardinia (People and Places) (1956)
  12. Disneyland U.S.A. (People and Places) (1956)
  13. Samoa (People and Places) (1956)
  14. Blue Men of Marocco (People and Places) (1957)
  15. Lapland (People and Places) (1957)
  16. Portugal (People and Places) (1957)
  17. Wales (People and Places) (1958)
  18. Scotland (People and Places) (1958)
  19. Ama Girls (People and Places) (1958)
  20. Seven Cities of Antarcitca (People and Places) (1958)
  21. Grand Canyon (1959)
  22. Nature's Strangest Creatures (1959)
  23. Cruise of the Eagle (People and Places) (1959)
  24. Eyes in Outer Space (1959)
  25. Mysteries of the Deep (True Life Adventures) (1959)
  26. Islands of the Sea (True Live Adventures) (1960)
  27. Japan (People and Places) (1960)
  28. The Danubue (People and Places) (1960)

Miramax Films

  1. The Secret Policeman's Other Ball (1982)
  2. The Big One (1997)
  3. Backstage (2000)
  4. Only the Strong Survive (2002)
  5. Fahrenheit 9/11 (2004)
  6. Paper Clips (2004)